发布时间:2021-08-26 15:25
第一讲 考古材料分析前应该考虑到的13个方面
1.Does the method provide information on the surface of the sample or on the bulk composition? Is it a point analysis or of a small area?
2.Is the technique destructive or damaging, and to what degree?
3. How much sample material is required? Can it be reused?
4.What kind of sample preparation is required? Are special techniques or equipment mecessary? Who will prepare the samples?
5.Are the instruments available to perform the analyses? Are there experienced operators? What sort of backlog or priority system controls access to the equipment? 进行分析的仪器能找到吗?有熟练的操作人员吗?
6.What is the cost of the analysis? What is the cost per sample? Do charges include the use of the instrument, the operator's time, sample preparation,data reduction, and extra analyses for clarification should they be necessary? 分析的费用是多少?每个样品的费用是多少?如果仪器的使用、操作人员的工作时间、数据的约简,进一步的其他分析,这些都是必要的,那也要算入到费用中吗?
7. How much time is involed? How long does it take to analyze one sample? The entire data set? How long until final results will be available? Should delays be anticipated? 要多长时间?分析一个样品要用多长时间?获得到完整的数据要多久? 拿到最后的结果,需要多久?会发生延误吗?
8. What is the sensitivity of the equipment? What elements can be reliably detected and at what level? 仪器的灵敏程度怎样?分析哪些元素是可靠的,达到什么程度?
9. What is the accuracy of the equipment (in quantitative analyses)? How are ambiquities resolved? What kinds of standards and calibrations are used? 对于定量分析来说,仪器的准度怎样?不确定性怎样处理?用哪种标准化方法和校正方法?
10. What are the limitations of the technique (in sample size, elements analyzable, accuracy,etc.)? 这种技术有什么限制(比如,样品尺寸,可分析的元素,准度等等)?
11. What kind of data transformations are necessary? Are the raw data provided, or are they given multivariate statistical reductions (if necessary) for conversion to quantitative form? Who perform these? Is this charged separately?
12. What precautions should the archaeologist take in excavating,handling, or transporting the artifact? 考古学家在发掘,处理和运输文物的过程中应该注意哪些问题?
13. Is accuracy required, or is precision sufficient? (Because many problems involve only comparison among sets of specimens,relative,not absolute, quantities may be all that are needed. The extra expense in absolute calibrations and standards(for accuracy)may not be necessary.)
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