
发布时间:2023-06-05 10:25




研究方向:环境考古,通过 “多指标微体化石考古大数据量化的分析方法,开展古生态环境重建、农业起源传播及史前人地关系的研究。主要成果发表在Quaternary Science ReviewsEarth System Science DataThe HoloceneBoreasFrontiers in Plant Science、中国科学地球科学等国际国内权威杂志。



Web of Science Researcher IDABC-9289-2020









[1] 多指标微体化石分析在古生态与环境考古中应用:

将孢粉、植硅体和硅藻等微体化石分析方法,同步运用到长江下游的井头山、河姆渡、鱼山及良渚等遗址,揭示出滩涂、湿地和潟湖等多样性环境演化过程,阐释中全新世海平面波动引发的水环境变迁,造成了井头山晚期(~7 ka BP)、河姆渡中期(~6 ka BP)和良渚晚期(~4.2 ka BP)的文化间断现象;提出新仙女木冷事件和中全新世海侵事件,造成了水稻驯化在13-10 ka7.9-7.4 ka6.4-5.6 ka BP发生3次间断。

[2] 中国史前植物、14C考古数据库构建与量化分析:

构建了包括农业遗址点(n=1453)、浮选结果(n=544)和14C测年(n=6756个)的考古数据库,勾勒出中国史前二元农业格局和稻旱混作农业模式的发展历程,厘清稻旱混作在黄河与长江的上、中、下游之间形成了三条南北向交流通道;高精度定量化重建4 ka前后中国六大文化分区农业和人口波动,揭示中国史前粟作、稻作文化应对4.2 ka寒冷事件时呈反相模式;可视化展现6 ka BP前后中国北方黍粟转变的过程。




1. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y., Zhang, J.P., Wang, C., 2022. Holocene spatiotemporal millet agricultural patterns in northern China: a dataset of archaeobotanical macroremains. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 14, 4777-4791.

2. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Jin, G.Y., Wang, C., Zhang, H., Zhang, J.P., Xu, D.K., Shen, C.M., Wu, N.Q., Guo, Z.T., 2022. Antipodal pattern of millet and rice demography in response to 4.2 ka climate event in China. Quat. Sci. Rev. 295, 107786.

3. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Sun, G.P., Wang, Y.L., Zheng, Y.F., Zheng, H.B., Lei, S., Li, Y.N., Zhang, J.P., 2022. Dynamic Interaction Between Deforestation and Rice Cultivation During the Holocene in the Lower Yangtze River, China. Front Earth Sci (Lausanne) 10, 849501.

4. He, K.Y.*, Yu, X.S., Shen, C.M., Lu, H.Y.*, 2022. Coupled and decoupled legumes and cereals in prehistoric northern and southern China. Front Plant Sci. 13, 1013480.

5. Huan, X.J., Zhang, J.P., Zhuang, Y.J.*, Fan, C., Wang, N.Y., Ji, X., Shao, K.L., He, K.Y., Jin, J.H., Zuo, X.X., Lu, H.Y., 2022. Intensification of rice farming and its environmental consequences recorded in a Liangzhu reservoir, China. Quat. Int. 619, 39-45.

6. Zhang, J.P., Huan, X.J.*, Lü, H.Y., Wang, C., Shen, C.M., He, K.Y., Lü, Y., Wu, N.Q., 2022. Crossing of the Hu line by Neolithic population in response to seesaw precipitation changes in China. Sci. Bull. 67, 844-852.


1. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Sun, G.P., Ji, X., Wang, Y.L., Yan, K.K., Zuo, X.X., Zhang, J.P., Liu, B., Wang, N.Y., 2021. Multi-proxy evidence of environmental change related to collapse of the Liangzhu Culture in the Yangtze Delta, China. Sci. China-Earth Sci. 64, 890-905.

2. 贺可洋*, 吕厚远*, 孙国平, 姬翔, 王永磊, 闫凯凯, 左昕昕, 张健平, 刘斌, 王宁远, 2021. 长江三角洲良渚文化衰亡的多指标环境证据. 中国科学: 地球科学, 1107-1122.

3. Huan, X.J.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Jiang, L.P., Zuo, X.X., He, K.Y., Zhang, J.P., 2021. Spatial and temporal pattern of rice domestication during the early Holocene in the lower Yangtze region. Holocene 31, 1366-1375.

4. Shao, K.L., Zhang, J.P.*, He, K.Y., Wang, C., Lu, H.Y., 2021a. Impacts of the Wetland Environment on Demographic Development During the Neolithic in the Lower Yangtze Region—Based on Peat and Archaeological Dates. Front Earth Sci (Lausanne) 9.

5. Shao, K.L.*, Zhang, J.P.*, Lu, H.Y., Gu, Z.Y., Xu, B., Zheng, H.B., Sun, G.P., Huan, X.J., He, K.Y., Zou, Y.F., Wu, N.Q., 2021b. Process of rice domestication in relation to Holocene environmental changes in the Ningshao Plain, lower Yangtze. Geomorphology 381, 107650.


1. He, K.Y., Lu, H.Y.*, Li, Y.N., Ding, F.Y., Zhang, J.P., Wang, C., 2020. Cultural response to Middle Holocene sea-level fluctuations in eastern China: a multi-proxy approach. Boreas 49, 71-88.

2. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Zheng, H.B., Yang, Q., Sun, G.P., Zheng, Y.F., Cao, Y.T., Huan, X.J., 2020. Role of dynamic environmental change in sustaining the protracted process of rice domestication in the lower Yangtze River. Quat. Sci. Rev. 242, 106456.


1. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Zheng, Y.F., Zhang, J.P., Xu, D.K., Huan, X.J., Wang, J.H., Lei, S., 2018. Middle-Holocene sea-level fluctuations interrupted the developing Hemudu culture in the lower Yangtze River, China. Quat. Sci. Rev. 188, 90-103.

2. Ge, Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Zhang, J.P., Wang, C., He, K.Y., Huan, X.J., 2018. Phytolith analysis for the identification of barnyard millet (Echinochloa sp.) and its implications. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 10, 61-73.


1. He, K.Y.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Zhang, J.P., Wang, C., Huan, X.J., 2017. Prehistoric evolution of the dualistic structure mixed rice and millet farming in China. Holocene 27, 1885-1898.

2. Zuo, X.X., Lu, H.Y*., Jiang, L.P.*, Zhang, J.P., Yang, X.Y., Huan, X.J., He, K.Y., Wang, C., Wu, N.Q., 2017. Dating rice remains through phytolith carbon-14 study reveals domestication at the beginning of the Holocene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 114, 6486-6491.


1. Wang, C.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Zhang, J.P., He, K.Y., Huan, X.J., 2016. Macro-process of past plant subsistence from the upper Paleolithic to middle Neolithic in China: A quantitative Analysis of multi-archaeobotanical data. PLoS One 11, e0148136.

2. Zhang, J.P.*, Lu, H.Y., Sun, G.P., Flad, R., Wu, N.Q., Huan, X.J., He, K.Y., Wang, Y.L., 2016. Phytoliths reveal the earliest fine reedy textile in China at the Tianluoshan site. Sci Rep 6, 18664.

3. Zuo, X.X.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Li, Z., Song, B., Xu, D.K., Zou, Y.F., Wang, C., Huan, X.J., He, K.Y., 2016. Phytolith and diatom evidence for rice exploitation and environmental changes during the early mid-Holocene in the Yangtze Delta. Quat Res 86, 304-315.


1. Huan, X.J.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Wang, C., Tang, X.G., Zuo, X.X., Ge, Y., He, K.Y., 2015. Bulliform phytolith research in wild and domesticated rice paddy soil in south China. Plos One 10, e0141255.


1. Wang, C.*, Lu, H.Y.*, Zhang, J.P., Gu, Z.Y., He, K.Y., 2014. Prehistoric demographic fluctuations in China inferred from radiocarbon data and their linkage with climate change over the past 50,000 years. Quat. Sci. Rev. 98, 45-59.



1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目杭州湾南岸早全新世海平面上升过程中环境演替和稻作起源(批准号41902187,期限:2020-2022

2. 主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目杭州湾南岸早全新世环境演替与稻作起源研究(批准号2020M670444,期限2020-2022

3. 参加国家自然科学基金委员会交叉科学部重大项目海岸带环境变迁与文化文明演替


4. 参加国家自然科学基金委重点项目长江流域稻作农业起源与环境变化关系的微体化石研究(批准号:41830322,期限2019-2023

5. 参加973项目末次冰消期以来中国中东部极端气候环境事件与农业起源发展和人类适应研究(批准号2015953801,期限2015-2019

6. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目末次冰消期东海陆架植硅体记录的水稻起源及其环境背景研究(批准号41771241,期限:2018-2021
