发布时间:2023-06-01 17:13
1. Hu, Y, Marwick, B, Zhang, J-F, et al. Late Middle Pleistocene Levallois stone-tool technology in southwest China. Nature. 2019; 565(7737): 82-5.
2. Hu, Y, Ruan, Q, Liu, J, et al. Luminescence chronology and lithic technology of Tianhuadong Cave, an early Upper Pleistocene Paleolithic site in southwest China. Quat Res (USA). 2019; 94: 121-36.
3. Hu, Y, Marwick, B, Zhang, J-F, et al. Robust technological readings identify integrated structures typical of the Levallois concept in Guanyindong Cave, south China. National Science Review. 2019; 6(6): 1096-9.
4. Hu, Y, Li, B, Jacobs, Z. Single-Grain Quartz OSL Characteristics: Testing for Correlations within and between Sites in Asia, Europe and Africa. Methods and protocols. 2019; 3(1).
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