
发布时间:2020-06-29 15:06

1. 本刊暂为年刊,主要刊载中国南方以及东南亚地区民族学、考古学、人类学的研究论文、田野报告、研究动态述评、新书评介、理论方法论之探索争鸣,以及与上述内容有关之重要译文。
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3. 本刊引文注释采用页下注(脚注)方式,以下格式请参照:
Lothar von Falkenhausen, “The regionalist paradigm in Chinese archaeology”, in Kohl L. Philip and Fawcett Clare, eds., Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995, pp.198-217.
Rowan K. Flad, “Divination and Power: A multiregional view of the development of oracle bone divination in early China”, Current Anthropology, vol. 49:3 (2008), pp.403-437.
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Southern Ethnology and Archaeology

  Since 1987 the annual journal Southern Ethnology and Archaeology (Nan Fang Min Zo Kao Gu) has been published by Sichuan University under the direction of renowned archaeologist Prf. Tong Enzheng. From 1987 to 1993 the journal gained its reputation through the publication of five volumes containing a number of ground breaking works.

In recent years, with advances in Southern Chinese ethnological and archaeological research, academic institutions, and in response to the encouragement of many departments and professors, the Museum of Sichuan University, the Department of Archaeology, and the Institute of Chengdu Archaeology decided to jointly resume the publication of Southern Ethnology and Archaeology. We hope to maintain our characteristic academic tradition while broadening the depth and further improving the quality of our journal, making Southern Ethnology and Archaeology a platform for the exchange of information and the advancement of research in Asia.We cordially invite you to join us in making this rebirth of our publication a success by contributing to the journal.

SEA welcomes the submission of manuscripts dealing with archaeology, anthropology, and Ethnohistory.Manuscripts must not exceed 10,000 words (roughly 30 pages of typed text). Please specify the following on the manuscript: author’s English and Chinese names, affiliated institution, position, and address. It is necessary to include a computer file with the first submission. The preferred editing program is a recent version of Word. In any case, please note the brand of software used and its version number. Please avoid fancy formatting of the text. To cite online materials, it is required to include the URL, the name of the database, and an access date. The author has sole responsibility for obtaining permission from publishers to use copyrighted materials, such as illustrations, charts, or lengthy quotations. Upon publication, authors will receive fifty offprints of their articles, one copy of the entire issue concerned, free of charge. Rejected manuscripts are not be returned to the author.

Manuscripts should be addressed as follows:

Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University,

No.29, Wangjiang Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610064


Email. nfmzkg@gmail.com

Tel.86-28-85412567 Fax.86-28-85412567